

Early in the 21'st Century, THE TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the NEXUS phase -- a being virtually identical to a human -- known as a replicant. The NEXUS 6 Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them.
Replicants were used Off-world as slave labour, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets.
After a bloody mutiny by a NEXUS 6 combat team in an Off-world colony, Replicants were declared illegal on earth -- under penalty of death.
Special police squads -- BLADE RUNNER UNITS -- had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicants.

This was not called execution.
It was called retirement.

はるか昔、深夜のテレビでやってたのが妻がcold fishだとかガフがしゃべってる言葉(「きゃぷてんぶらいあんとガオレニオマエヲ」)はいろんな言葉を混ぜてるとかのナレーションありありバージョンで、そこで語られるハードボイルドなSF設定に興奮してたわけですが、その後購入したビデオの字幕では細かく訳されてなくて断片を聞き取りながら吹き替えを思い出しつつ見てました。最終版ではナレーションがバッサリ無くなってて寂しかったな。